
Repairing Issues Your Garage Door May Encounter

Many of the problems that your garage door will experience can result in very noticeable problems for your home. While it is a reality that most homeowners will eventually need to address a variety of routine garage door problems, most individuals are not prepared for these potential issues. Jammed Rollers The garage door system will utilize a series of rollers to move the door along the track railing. These rollers are essentially strong wheels that can support the weight of the door as it moves along the railing. Read More 

Clues That Point To A Need For Professional Repairs To Your Garage Door

If you want to ensure that your garage door is always going to be in the best working order, you will want to review the following clues that it might be time to have a professional come in to repair the door. Springs Are Making A Lot Of Noise The springs should not be making a lot of noises when you are opening or closing the garage door. If you do happen to notice that the garage door springs are making a lot of strange sounds, such as creaking noises, then you will want to call a professional garage door repair technician. Read More 

Help! The Garage Door Opener Light Comes On, But Won’t Turn Off!

Garage door openers are a great convenience, but when the light is on and you are ready to retire for the evening, you have a problem. You should look through the owner's manual for a model number and other essential information. It could be something you can fix as a handy person, but some elements may require a trained technician who understands electrical panels and how they should function. Ground Wires Read More 

5 Ways You Can Extend The Life Of Your Garage Door Opener

Having an automatic garage door opener can be a great luxury for any homeowner to enjoy--especially on rainy or snowy days when the last thing you want to do is get out of your warm, cozy car to open up your garage door manually. Still, some homeowners get frustrated when they have to make premature repairs or replacements of their garage door openers. The good news is that you can prolong the life of your garage door opener by taking some simple preventative maintenance measures. Read More 

Make Sure Your Children Have A Healthy Respect For The Garage Door With These Lessons

It might be easy for the average homeowner to dismiss his or her garage door as being innocuous, but it's important not to take your door lightly. Garage doors are responsible for a staggering number of serious injuries every year; in 2007, more than 13,000 people in the U.S. were hurt because of accidents involving garage doors. Given that many of these injuries happened to children, it's important that you ensure your children have a healthy respect around the garage door. Read More